With just two speakers in the dash of your Evolution, it can be hard for backseat passengers to hear your music as well as you can as the driver, especially if it's a six passenger model. But with our water resistant Rear Speaker Enclosure, your backseat passengers will rely on your tunes from your rear speakers now rather than the front speakers. 

What's this mean for you? 

You don't have to crank your front speakers up, making the volume uncomfortably loud for you, just so the backseat passengers can hear your music. Also, by having rear speakers, you the driver will be engulfed in audio providing you with a "surround sound" audio experience, and once you hear it, you'll never go back.


Precut Speaker Holes. 

The BA Carts Speaker Enclosure features precut holes for 6.5" speakers so you don't have to worry about getting that jigsaw out.

Enclosure = Mid-Bass! 

To often, you see speakers installed in just a hole in the body panel instead of in an enclosure built for the speaker, and by doing so the speaker looses all of its mid-bass punch. A speaker needs an enclosure to build pressure behind the cone and that's exactly what the BA Speaker Enclosure does.


Ready For The Weather. 

BA Carts' enclosure is coated in Acrytech waterproof coating to protect it from the elements, the mounts are coated in American powder coating and the hardware is stainless steel so they are both ultra rust resistant. The combo of the 90 degree wiring hole cover and the split loom, the wiring is also protected from abuse and weather. 


BA Carts are perfectionists with over 100 years of audio experience and they love audio just as much as they love golf carts, so you can expect the highest level of craftsmanship when it comes to their wiring, product design, and overall fit and finish. 

Customer Service. 

BA Carts designed and built the BA Speaker Enclosure in house, so guess who you get to talk to when you have a question or concern? You guessed it. BA Carts, themselves. Their service to customers is just as important to them as their craftsmanship is on their products, so when you need a question answered, reach out to BA Carts via text, phone, or email and they will make sure you are taken of. 


BA Carts Speaker Enclosure